Our Offerings.

  • Anti-Oppression Media Consulting

    We help clients evaluate where they are in their journey to create content that is ethical, subject-centered and non-extractive. We bring an anti-oppression lens to evaluating design, production, distribution and impact ,making sure intentional values are centered from start to finish.

  • Digital & Social Campaign Content

    We provide clients a whole suite of services to help them create the content they need for digital and social campaigns of every scale. From video production, to animation, to graphic design and still photography, we do it all. We are strategic in our production process making sure content can be flexible and dynamic enough to be leveraged across multiple distribution channels and timelines.

  • Commercial Video Production

    We help socially minded companies like B-Corps grow their brands, services and productions through commercial video production. We have the expertise, equipment and creativity to produce values driven commercials that connect with viewers in meaningful ways.

  • Documentary & Narrative

    We have a passion for films and a belief that films can support movements for change. Our collective brings years of experience creating both documentary and narrative films both for clients and ourselves. Chat with us about how a film could support your work.