Meet Us!

  • Anna Ghublikian

    Anna (they/them) is a queer artist, curator, and organizer based on the occupied territory of the Arapaho, Cheyenne, and úu-agha-tʉvʉ-pʉ̱ (Ute). They worked for 7 years as a producer, creating instructional and educational, documentary, interview-style, and conceptual videos.

  • Forrest Lotterhos (he/they)

    Forrest Lotterhos (he/they) is an editor, sound designer, and composer who creates work that inspires actionable change and amplifies underrepresented voices. He develops sensory-rich, emotionally immersive media that slows down audiences and invites them to go inwards.

    He’s been freelance since 2015 — as an editor, he's worked on documentary films and brand anthems focused on climate action and social justice impact. He was part of the 2 Primetime Emmy Award-Winning team for The Social Dilemma (2020) and has had work featured in The National Geographic, at Sundance, and over 30+ international film festivals.

    Forrest thinks in story through sound and uses this often under-utilized power to elevate productions. He was the lead sound designer for Foreward (2020) — an 11-episode audio drama series which streamed in the top ten on Apple Podcasts. He’s composed original music for documentary and narrative films, indie games, and trailers. He’s produced post sound mixes for commercial clients and branded documentaries.

    Forrest is trans, queer and neurodivergent. These identities and experiences deeply inform how he shows up in the world and as a story facilitator. He believes that creating space for divergent voices can help us rewrite and reroute our collective imagination.

  • Cheshire Li (they/them)

    Cheshire Li (they/them) is a multi-skilled independent filmmaker with a deep curiosity for new experiences and a heart for community. As a queer Chinese-American child of immigrants, they bring a complex, inclusive, and compassionate perspective to their storytelling.

    Cheshire is an award-winning director, and has worked with brands such as Yeti Cycles, VIDA MTB Series, Flash Foxy, Boot Tan Fest, and Wheelie Creative. They work on commercial sets as a key grip, electrician, camera operator, and assistant camera, and spend their summers mountain biking and their winters snowboarding.

    Time in the mountains with other people of color has been integral to their process - they are passionate about elevating BIPOC and queer stories in the outdoors and working with other BIPOC and queer creatives behind the camera. The heart of their personal work aims to explore inclusive and intersectional ideas in film while holding the complexity and nuance of those liminal spaces.

  • Helena Gruensteidl (they/them)

    Helena Gruensteidl is a Denver-based nonbinary filmmaker and cinematographer. With a background in 16 and 35mm celluloid film production, they specialize in crafting organic, human images and telling stories not often told. Helena is deeply committed to creating safe sets and uplifting marginalized voices, and they believe that all media should be created with rigorous intentionality.

  • Davey Thatcher (they/them)

    Davey Thatcher (they/them) is an award winning queer filmmaker exploring the expansive gender universe one day at a time. In a previous life they spent a career working in human rights both abroad and domestically in refugee, immigrant spaces and queer spaces. Davey has worked both producing, filming and editing a wide range of content from TV shows, to documentaries to interactive web content. They’re deeply curious about how to continuously bring anti-oppression frameworks into media production through participatory and collective processes.